Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages, Islomobod

Dʉnyowe taraqiye kumer ki insone sǝqofat woz zǝbonve tǝr pʉrʉt yundake sabab vitka hǝdrayi yi lup palae sǝqofat woz zǝbonvi pǝr pʉδ be sǝ din vitk. Yeme sabai ki  UNESCO kumdi ki adab, ilm woz zik yark x̌ake idora, hǝya zǝbonve firisti tǝr pʉrʉt wuzmetu kumdištev ki pǝ nǝṣ̌ak. Camvini spo zǝbon X̌ikwor be yi hǝʒeng zǝbon ki yowri be xatra. Dǝ Islomobod Pokiston Foundation for Endangered Language, Forum for Language Initiative woz Allama Iqbal Open University tǝr limanev vite x̌e yi tru rǝworʉng beyn ul aqswomi conference, the 28th Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL XXVIII) ev zavovd. Hǝdem conferensev cǝ pʉtʉn dʉnyowen taqiq korve 42 taqiqev piš kert. Yem taqiqi yarkištev pǝr nǝṣ̌k zǝbonve zǝboni riwoyate bobat tu.

Aejaz Karim woz Nazir Ahmad Bʉlbʉle taqiqi yark kumd ki X̌ikwor zike pǝtrǝẓ̌oδ qideemi šoiri woz žindagve čʉpnet kitobi soxt rǝδowe bobat tu be yem conferense hisa tu. Aejaz Karime dem conferecne ya yarke piškori kert. Yowe yeme Bʉlbʉlik Heritage Center Gulmite bu kitob, Piwand woz X̌ikwor Žindage misol dra peš kert. Yowe dǝ x̌ʉ peškori X̌ik murdumve zǝboni riwoyate bobat serk cǝmeren qǝsa. Woz yemve wuzayne nasle hat mafuz x̌ake bobati Bʉlbʉlike yarki be dra piš. Dra wezg haya taqiq korve Bʉlbʉlike yarke sǝtoweṣ̌iɣ̌ kert woz ṣ̌oboṣ̌ev kert.

Yem conferense Septembar 25-27 taɣ̌de woz wuδg tǝr yand niyeṣ̌te.

Islamabad, Pakistan – The 28th Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL XXVIII), a three-day conference focusing on the Oral Tradition of Endangered Languages took place from September 25th to 27th, 2024, in Islamabad. The event was jointly organized by the Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL), Forum for Language Initiative (FLI), and Allama Iqbal Open University.

The conference brought together 42 researchers and scholars who presented their work on various aspects of endangered languages. Among them, Aejaz Karim, a prominent language activist and advocate for the Wakhi language promotion, presented a paper on the documentation of Wakhi oral literature. He highlighted the work of the Bulbulik Heritage Center in Gulmit, using it as a case study to emphasize efforts in preserving and promoting Wakhi oral traditions.

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